Sunday, April 26, 2020

And a beautiful cross bracelet with lots of style!

Some Fashion Ideas that might lift your spirits!

Check out this beautiful cross ring from Altar'd State....such a reminder every time you wear it of all that Jesus did for us on the cross!

Lights of Hope!

I promise that I will not be posting here everyday, but I did want to share a beautiful pic of our 'lights of hope' cross that we have been enjoying during our quarantined time. Several weeks ago, I asked my brother to cut a small tree for me and make a cross. We covered the cross with lights and a red bow and placed out in our front yard. God impressed upon my heart that during this dark time, a cross with 'lights of hope' might just be what the neighborhood needed. I sit out on the front steps most every night and enjoy the hope that it brings me and I can only 'hope' that God is touching others too. One lady stopped by while walking her dog late one evening and shared that she had seen it the night before Easter and came back in her car to take pictures. She is from Ohio and lives a couple of neighborhoods away. She shared that she posted this on FB to her friends back home and she was amazed at how many responses that she had. She said they commented that this was exactly what they needed during this hard season. In Christ ALONE my hope is found!! HE is the light of this dark world and it is our job to share it every time we have the opportunity!!

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Making a Comeback!!

My granddaughter, Lily has inspired me with her artistic abilities! She has started a fashion blog and doing quite well with it!! When I told her that I once had a blog..she was intrigued and wanted to check it out. I could not believe that I had not posted on it since 2016. I enjoyed going back and looking at the post and remembering where I was in life during that time. Not sure why I quit posting, but it was definitely a fun time during that time and while nobody much read the was great writing some of my thoughts there. She encouraged me recently to try it hence 'the Comeback!' Not sure I'll stick with it but what better time when we are quarantined at home because Satan has reared his ugly head with a virus that is full of fire and evil. On that note, a reminder that our GOD is still on the throne and is NOT surprised by Covid19 at all. I praise Him that He is using this for His glory and will hold us up continually by His righteous right hand!! Enjoy today folks...and the many 'second chances' that our Savior has provided by his precious gift of eternal life to each of us. Take time to ponder His love for you during this down time. It's all about Jesus...nothing else will EVER matter more in your life! I took this photo several years ago early one morning while at Sullivan's Island. It is such a reminder to me of my BIG God who created all and provides each breath every day. Praise Him for ALL second chances!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Lighted Lip Gloss!!

Check out this wonderful 'lighted lip gloss'! I absolutely love it!
So much moisture and 5 great colors! Message me if you are interested. Beauti Control $22

Fantastic Friday

What is it about Friday! Do you ever feel like you wish your life away trying to get to Friday? I know that I often make the statement when asked 'how are you doing?' "I'm good, but I'll be better on Friday!" Let me assure you...I am at an age when I do NOT need to be wishing my life away! is really going fast! So...Fridays are good, most of the time. Today became a 'fantastic friday' when I woke up and realized that I AM a child of the KING ...again! Not every morning do I immediately have that thought cross my mind, but today...this Friday...I am ecstatic that I quickly remembered and praised God that HE...HE is with me ALL the time. Even in this crazy and mostly dark world..HE is walking right beside me! I long for the world to know Him. I long for people's hearts to be opened and to NEED Him. A great verse for this Friday is: "So do not fear, for I AM WITH YOU, do NOT be dismayed, for I AM YOUR GOD! I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with MY RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND!" Isaiah 41:10 Now if THAT doesn't turn your Friday into a FANTASTIC FRIDAY....YOU have issues!! enjoy may be your last...praise Him..He is waiting for you to look His way!! On another note...I discovered a great online store with 'cute' fashion at a very reasonable price. Check it out! Rose gal!! I just ordered this top! I'll let you know how it looks when it arrives! In the meantime...have a FANTASTIC FRIDAY!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Light up your Smile!

I sell 'lighted lip gloss' and sometimes I chuckle when I apply it because it really does make me smile. Even though this face of mine is continually changing and getting fresh new lines every day it seems...there is still something about a smile. I think part of the 'lighted lip gloss' smile comes because it is just so cool to pull out the lip wand and watch the light come on in the tube! Amazing that someone had this idea!! Wish it had been me....I would quit my day job! But seriously, don't we all need a little 'light' in our day to make us smile? Especially in the darkness that is lurking all around this crazy world. I sang a song my entire young life called 'This little light of mine...I'm gonna let it shine'! I continue to sing it today to my grandchildren. Without the 'light in my heart' of Jesus, I can assure you, I would not be smiling. He is faithful to strengthen me each new morning and allow me to shine His light to a lost world. That 'little light of mine' sustains me EVERY day. I pray you have His light to brighten your smile! If not, reach out...He is standing at your heart door asking to come in! Let Him shine...someone needs a smile today!!

About Me

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A lowly sinner saved by God's grace! My heart's desire is to share the love of Christ with anyone willing to partake. Words are cheap but God's Word will transform your life if you claim it! I dare you to give it a shot!